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Roster Codes
Roster Codes   is used to created and maintain different codes for the roles or departments of the employees. This is required to create and manage different levels of rosters. For example, a roster for:

  1. Call Centre Agents
  2. Cleaners
  3. Cashiers


  1. Enable the "Allow Add", "Allow Edit" and "Allow Edit" access under " Role Menu Access" to make changes.

Steps to create roster code:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details
    1. Code - Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each roster code.
    2. Description - Enter the detailed description of the roster code.
    3. Notes  - This is an open text field, users can enter desired content.
    4. Void - Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups . Edit the record and "UN-tick" void to activate a record.
    5. Save. Click on the "Floppy Icon".

Figure 1: Roster Code